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How to Gathering Professions WOW Classic Gold with Mining

Grab your Mining Pick and track some Ore, it’s time to mine! Mining in World of Warcraft is how you gather ore, jewels, and stones for use by blacksmiths, engineers, jewel crafters, and some other professions to make their items. Mining is also very lucrative when you know where to go and how much it is going for on the market. As an example, We can make a couple of rounds in Elwynn Forrest and easily have 140+ Copper ore to place in the auction house usually going for 1-2 gold per stack of 20 and for gathering just a little over an hour We have 7 gold or more in materials not counting any gems or stones We may pick up while mining. Just remember, copper is the cheapest ore and as you make the rounds in higher-level zones your WOW Classic gold earning potential goes up greatly.

Items of Interest
As it stands there are a couple of items you want to keep your eye out for while mining. The following is a list of the most well-known drops to watch carefully for while mining their corresponding ore:
As these gems are rare they usually auction for between 20 and 60 gold.

1. Arcane Crystal
Rich Thorium Vein - 3% drop rate
Khorium vein - 4% drop rate

2. Talasite
Adamantite Deposit - 0.01% drop rate

3. Living Ruby
Khorium vein - 1% drop rate

4. Star of Elune
Adamantite deposit - 0.01% drop rate

Routes to run for Ore
There are many places across Azeroth and Outland that are a mining spree and where you can gather great amounts in a fairly short or decent time. Here We will be outlining them zone by zone showing you the ones with the highest percentage of finding ore using easy to go by maps with paths and locations. Ore is not guaranteed to spawn along these routes. We are simply showing you the zones with the highest spawn rate and the best way to travel said zone so you may find the highest quantity of ore. Feel free to explore a little when running these routes since vein and deposit spawns are random.
We will start with copper as it is where any miner begins when his skill is 1 and they just picked up mining.

Elwynn Forest (levels 5-12) 

As shown here, start in Goldshire then go down towards Fargodeep Mines and then inside it, after coming out of the mine follow the hills up around to the Tower of Azora then down to Dead-Tooth Jack’s area, up to the mountains then come back around the lake at Heroes’ Vigil and then back to the mountains toward Stormwind and following them down to the edge of the zone near Westfall and following that edge back to the Mcnabb farm and back to Goldshire, rinse, and repeat.

The Barrens (levels 12-23)

The route for the Barrens is also fairly simple. Start in The Crossroads and move up towards the first hill then around it to the left side of the zone between the top two hills. From there, run down the left side’s mountainous terrain and when you reach the bottom of the zone, go to the right side. Follow the mountains up and circle the hills near Northwatch Hold and follow those back up to The Crossroads. The route for tin is basically the same here as well and you may run across quite a bit while looking for copper as tin has a 13.7% chance of spawning on this route and copper a 12.6% spawn chance. The Barrens is truly a great place for ore!
Tin requires a mining skill of 65 and is your next step up from copper. The Barrens route shown above is great for tin and the following route is great for all alliance in need of it. Tin has a moderate sale price between 3 and 5 gold per stack of 20.

Redridge Mountains (levels 15-23)

The Redridge tin route is a little complicated. Start from Lakeshire and head up towards the mountains. From there, venture around those; up to and inside the Rethban Caves. Follow your path back out and progress towards the right side of the map; following the mountains around and back to Lakeshire. While you may not see many tin spots marked on this map,  along this route there is much more than meets the eye.
Silver is next, it is very hard to find and can easily go for 5-7 gold per stack of 20.  If you are raising your mining skill, raise it on tin until 125 and reference the section on Iron deposits, it is much easier and quicker this way. Silver can easily be found along the Redridge route above or in the iron route for Arathi Highlands.  It can also be found in the following route for Thousand Needles along with iron as well. These routes will be covered in the Iron section coming up next. Be sure to keep an eye out as silver is rare and worth it even if it doesn’t get your mining skill up.
Iron will be our next step up and it requires a mining skill of 125 to go after Iron Deposits. The following maps outline the best routes for mining as they have the highest spawn rates for their faction’s areas. Iron on average auctions between 4 and 6 gold per stack of 20.

Arathi Highlands (levels 31-42)

The route for Arathi Highlands is very diverse for the resources it yields including Silver, Iron, Gold, and a little bit of Mithril. Simply start out at Refuge point and go north to the area between a mountain and a couple smaller hills. Proceed east following the mountains and (unless you are horde) go around Hammerfall and into the Grotto which is nearby. Then leave the grotto and continue following the mountains surrounding the zone. You will come to the Witherbark troll area. Making sure you are careful, go in the cave you find there; usually, a couple of veins or deposits spawn inside. Go back out of the cave and keep following the mountains around until you reach the lower end of the zone.  Then proceed back towards refuge point but don’t go in, instead, go towards an ogre/troll area then up to the farm, down the mountain range and back to refuge point. Rinse and repeat.

Thousand Needles (levels 21-32)

A thousand needles are pretty straight forward and short, while Arathi yields more, Thousand Needles can be more convenient and accessible for some horde players. Simply start out at the great lift, progress down the zone and back around sticking to the side of it or around the hills and plateaus where it permits.   One major rule for finding veins and deposits is sticking to hills, mountains, or almost any other land formations composed of rock or dirt.
Gold is after Iron, requiring a mining skill of 155, but like Silver, it is very rare and not worth banking on getting your skill up from finding it. For an easier and faster way to raise your mining skill mine Iron until 175 and you can move up to Mithril. Gold is well covered in the Arathi route, the upcoming Badlands, and Stranglethorn Vale Routes. Gold ore on most days Auctions House between 6 and 9 gold per stack of 20.
Mithril is both profitable and sometimes a little hard to find as it is needed by many moderate level professions (around skill 225 or so) and requires a mining skill of 175 to take advantage of Mithril Deposits. Mithril can sell anywhere from 4 to 11 gold per stack of 20 depending on your server’s current market and the player needs.

Badlands (levels 34-42)

Badlands can be a long route to run and is much easier after you have hit level 40 and have your mount. Start out by the mountains near Uldaman and follow the mountainside down the zone and into Lethelor Ravine. Be careful in the ravine as this path doesn’t go far into it because of the level 44-47 elite dragonkin that spawn there. Circle back around and out of the ravine follow the mountain path down until you start curving up into terrain with a lot of small hills and into the large plateau, then down and into the Dustbelch Ogre area. Follow the mountains back up towards Kargath and the upper mountain line, and progress back to your start point. It may be easier for Horde players to begin at Kargath and follow the path around either way they please. There is almost a 14% spawn rate for Mithril here and this is the best zone for it in World of Warcraft.
Next, We will be including a route for Stranglethorn Vale and while it does not stand out for a specific ore, it instead offers variety. It has a 12.7% spawn rate for Iron and a 9.8% spawn rate for Mithril. Since many players quest here between levels 30 and 44 it is only fitting that We show you where to look as you may be questing here a lot.

Stranglethorn Vale (levels 30-45)

Stranglethorn Vale is a very long zone and you must keep an eye out as this route runs across places with lots of elites like the Mosh’Ogg Ogre Mound. This is a good route to reference as you are questing and progress in level. If you want to raise your mining skill fast go by the Badlands route as it is much quicker and has more Mithril spawns.
Truesilver follows Mithril on our list requiring a skill of 230 to gather. Truesilver deposits spawn decently but Dark Iron has more spawns in the next couple of routes and it is up to you to decide what to hunt down just to raise your skill points. Truesilver and Dark Iron both can sell between 6 and 20 gold per stack of 20 depending on your server’s current needs and market. Truesilver can be found in the upcoming Burning Steppes route at a 14% spawn rate while Dark Iron deposits have a 37.1% spawn rate along this same route. Feel free to follow the map and happy hunting!
Dark Iron is alongside Truesilver requiring a 230 skill and running the same route. Burning Steppes is the best route for both of these and is in an area accessible by both horde and alliance players; we will be covering it next.

Burning Steppes (levels 50-60)

Burning Steppes is not for the wary but yields a great profit when ran through to completion and even more if ran several times over. Like all other routes by the time you get back to the start, you should start seeing re-spawns of veins and deposits.  A major rule is a stick to the mountains and hills and you will be good to go, pulling in profit fast and hard unless you get in a race with other players. Just hit the high spawn areas (where you see the most squares)  or run the route in reverse and you will most likely come out on top and with bags of ore,   stone, and gems for your auctioning pleasure. Within this route, you may also run across plenty of Small Thorium Veins which happen to follow Dark Iron and Truesilver for mining skill progression.
Small Thorium begins to find its way into your mining sack at a skill of 250 being the next logical step to raise your skill points even higher. Stacks of 20 Thorium Ore can auction from 11 gold all the way up to 25 gold. As with everything it depends on your server’s economy and who actually needs it. Jewelcrafters love to prospect this stuff as it can yield an Azerothian Diamond which auctions for about 11 gold each.

Un’Goro Crater (levels 50-60)

People love and people hate the crater; it yields great resources but is full of dinosaurs, monkeys, tar people, and bugs trying to block your way. We start at the Lakkari Tar Pits as many players have farmed these beasts for the essence of life, traveler’s backpacks, and many other items as they are moderately easy to kill and drop good loot. As with all paths follow the mountains, go inside the caves you find, cross the hills, and then stick to the mountain range as you are generally running one giant circle. We have even known players to organize a  race around the crater starting at Lakkari and going around the zone backward from this route and see who could complete 10 laps first or gather the most resources. Keep a close eye on any crystals you may find on the ground here as they can give you special buffs when you complete their quests and use the crystal pillars or they can sell in the auction as well.   Another place you can farm here is Fire Plume Ridge in the center of the zone. The fire elementals drop Essence of Fire (2.3%), Elemental Fire (5.8%), and Core of Elements (16.8%) which can make you some good gold when placed up for auction.
Rich Thorium veins require a skill of 270 for its ore to find your bags. The above Burning Steppes route runs across a lot of it and you can run that route but We will also be showing you a route for Eastern Plaguelands to find Rich Thorium.  Thorium ore auctions for the same whether it be from small or rich veins. Watch for Arcane Crystal, Blood of the Mountain, or Azerothian Diamond while mining Rich Thorium Veins as these gems sell very well.

Now for a recap:


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